Air leak detection


Compressed air is a very expensive but for most users a very necessary practice, however industry conducted surveys have identified that on average most unmanaged compressed air systems have an average air leak rate of 20-30%.

Air leaks as everybody will be aware can mainly be heard due to the noise they make, however the problem with this is that in many factories and working environments, the ambient noise level is so high that they cannot be detected by simply walking around listening.

FPS use an Ultrasonic Leak Detection device that will allow us to identify air leaks completely inaudible to the human ear even during peak production with high ambient noise levels. Once these air leaks have been identified, their intensity is recorded and graded, then the air leak tagged for the location with coloured tag based upon intensity. Upon completion of the air leak survey, a report is presented to the customer detailing air leak location, estimated air leak cost in wasted energy, and air leak priority to allow the most severe air leaks to be rectified first.

air leak detection

The benefits at a glance


⦁ The most cost-effective method of reducing energy costs, significant energy savings!


⦁ Potentially huge energy savings, very low implementation costs!


⦁ Non-invasive, no production downtime required, the system is audited live!


⦁ Full report provided with air leaks graded for severity, making leak rectification simple!



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